Hideo Motoike is the world’s one and only leather doll maker. Since he was a child, the very touch of leather has mysteriously brought him calm.Motoike was moved to create leather dolls after seeing traditional porcelain dolls in an antique shop in Rome as a university student. Their intricacy inspired him to pursue a greater level of realism with leather. Since then, he has been creating “leather dolls” based on the ordinary daily life of old people and children. And “leather animals” that are life-size representations of the real thing. Motoike says, “Leather is a part of an animal. After being processed for food, the wasted “hide” is transformed into “leather.” My job is to breathe new life into it by applying my own sensitivity and skills. My interest in this has no bounds. After 50 years of creative pursuits in Italy, Tokyo, and my hometown of Tottori, I am pleased to announce the opening of my museum. We hope you will enjoy this “world of leather,” like no one has ever seen before.
Hideo Motoik’s main artistic creations consist of figurines made of leather, which he makes by hand in his workshop. The skin, hair and costumes of his very lifelike figurines are entirely made of leather. The same goes for all the accessories and animals. In addition to miniatures, he began to make life-size animal models about several years ago. He even created a six-meter tall giraffe and a four-meter tall elephant. Motoike says that since he was a child, holding a piece of leather in his hand has always felt comforting to him. It is this love for leather that’s been fueling his desire to create.
鳥取県米子市に生まれる。 Born in Yonago City, Tottori Prefecture.
オリジナルブランド「 MOTO」設立。 Established the original brand “MOTO”.
「アメリカ建国200年祭 ノーマン・ロックウェル展」に賛助出品し、 翌年初の個展「本池秀夫の人形展」を開催。 Exhibited at the “Norman Rockwell Exhibition on the Bicentennial of the United States,” and held his first solo exhibition “The Dolls of Hideo Motoike” the following year.
作品集「LEATHER DOLLS 老人と子供」(美術出版社)発行。 Published a collection of his works, “LEATHER DOLLS: Old Men and Children” (Publisher: Bijutsu Shuppansha).
米子市美術館25周年特別企画展「本池秀夫 革の世界」開催。以降全国で巡回展開催。 Held the special exhibition “Hideo Motoike’s World of Leather” for the 25th anniversary of Yonago City Museum of Art.
テレビ朝日「徹子の部屋」出演。 Appearance on the television program “Tetsuko’s Room” on TV Asahi.
全国で初めて革工芸で県指定の無形文化財保持者に認定。 Became the first person in Japan to be designated as a holder of intangible cultural assets for leather crafts by the prefecture.
MOTO設立50周年の節目として鳥取県に世界初のレザーアートミュージアム、「本池美術館」を開館。 本池秀夫が世界的革工芸作家として地域文化功労者として文部科学大臣賞を受賞。 In 2021, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of MOTO, the world’s first leather art museum, “Motoike Art Museum” was opened in Tottori Prefecture. Hideo Motoike received the Minister of Education Award for his contribution to local culture as a world-class leather craft artist.
Please do not take photographs in the museum (except for animal’s works).
Please do not use flash, tripods, monopods, or selfie sticks inside the building.
Video recording is strictly prohibited in the whole building.
Visitors with young children are responsible for supervising them at all times, ensuring they do not run to prevent the risk of falling or touching exhibits.
Children of elementary school age or younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
One adult is required for every 4 kids to ensure the safety of the children.
Please set mobile phones to silent mode and refrain from making calls within the building.
Please refrain from eating or drinking (including water, candy, and gum) inside the buildings.
Animals other than assistance dogs are not allowed in the facility.
Admission is free for holders of a Physical Disability Certificate, Mental Disability Certificate, or Rehabilitation Certificate. Please present your certificate at the entrance. The certificate’s portrait photo will be used for identity verification.
Long objects such as umbrellas or selfie sticks may not be taken into the exhibition rooms. This also applies to large baggage when the facility is congested. Large items should be left with reception staff. For umbrellas, please use the stand at the entrance.
Ticket machines do not accept credit cards. In this case, please pay at the reception.